Salone del Mobile

Location: Milan, Italy. Year: 2016.

Prima Design designed the entire 150 square meter booth for Vassalletti, an Italian master of wood flooring, for Salone Del Mobile in Milan, Italy.

Vassalletti allowed us full and autonomous reign in decisions when it came to designing the booth. The challenge was designing a booth that stood out in a very competitive and fast paced setting. The space had to simultaneously awe the possible clients while making it inviting enough for them to enter and stay to talk with the artisans.

All of the furniture was designed by James Cavagnari including the large reception desk, sofa, chandelier, armchair– built in wood with metal inlay, coffee tables, lamps, and mirror. The inspiration for the space came from Jean-Michel Frank, a 1930’s French architect who was known for sumptuous furniture made out of luxury materials.

James chose to work specifically with two materials and colors- copper and this deep blue that still allowed the wood grain to shine through. Vassalletti and his artisanal crew handcrafted the flooring and the backdrop of hexagon shaped tiles. It was James’ idea to use the floor tiles as a wall covering- challenging their typical use and showing visitors additional possibilities.

Furniture designed by us in this project: Sofa, Armchair.